4 Questions to Simplify Your Life and Focus on What Matters

A simple life is far from dull, empty, or static. It’s a thoughtfully curated life that focuses on defining priorities, releasing what no longer serves us, and intentionally creating room in our hearts and minds for what truly supports us. In this post, I’ll share four questions to inspire a simpler life and help you clarify your priorities.

Simplifying Life and Defining Priorities

Every so often, I check in with myself—reflecting on how I feel about my life, what’s going well, what could use some attention, and any changes I’d like to make.

I enjoy setting goals at the start of the year because they help me clarify what’s important and provide tangible, realistic targets to work toward. I’ve noticed I’m more productive and focused with a plan and clear direction.

That said, I also recognize the need for flexibility. Life is dynamic, and both our internal mindset and external circumstances can shift over time. Sticking rigidly to goals set only once a year doesn’t always work for me. I prefer a bit more adaptability and space to adjust as needed.

To strike that balance, I’ve adopted a twice-yearly check-in—one around Christmas and New Year and another mid-year, in June or July.

During these check-ins, I ask myself key questions to guide my reflections and intentions. If you’d like to join me in this practice and explore areas you might want to adjust or improve in the coming months, here are a few thoughtful prompts to get you started!

4 Questions to Inspire a Simpler Life

Here are four thoughtful questions to help you reflect on what truly matters and how simplicity can create space for those priorities in your daily life.

1. What makes you happy?

It’s a simple yet often overlooked question. In the rush of daily life—managing work, home, and countless responsibilities—happiness can feel like a luxury rather than a priority.

Take a moment to ask yourself: What brings me joy? What lights you up from the inside, makes you smile, or sparks laughter? Are you giving enough time to these things, or do endless tasks and obligations overshadow them?

I’ve been guilty of prioritizing chores and to-do lists over moments of connection—like playing a game or sharing a laugh with my kids. But those moments are where happiness truly lives.

I encourage you to list five things that genuinely make you happy. Then, consider how to consistently incorporate them into your days, weeks, and months. What might you need to say no to, let go of, or adjust to make room for them?

A weekly check-in or mindful reflection can be a great way to assess how well you’re honoring what truly brings you joy.

2. Does Your Daily Life Align with Your Priorities?

Take a moment to reflect on your priorities. Is it a family, career, friendships, health, happiness, spirituality, or a hobby? If you’re not entirely clear, jot down a list now. There’s no right or wrong—it’s deeply personal and will likely evolve. Mine certainly has!

Once you have your list, read through it thoughtfully and ask yourself:

  • Were you surprised by what made the list?
  • Does your daily life reflect these priorities?
  • Are you actively honoring them each day?
  • If someone observed your daily life, could they see what matters most to you based on how you spend your time?

Consider whether you’re fully present and engaged in living according to your priorities or merely going through the motions. Life often moves faster than we anticipate, and it’s easy for what truly matters to slip through the cracks in the rush to keep up.

Keep your list of priorities close. Refer to it often and use it as a guide to review your calendar and to-do lists. Make sure your daily choices reflect and honor what’s most important to you as much as possible.

3. How Do You Feel at the End of the Day?

It might not be a question you often ask yourself, but I’ve found that how I feel at the end of the day is a powerful indicator of how that day went. While we can’t control everything that happens, reflecting on our feelings during bedtime or as we wind down can provide valuable insights.

Feeling completely drained, stressed, and on the verge of burnout is a sign that something needs to change. On the other hand, feeling tired yet content—satisfied with what I accomplished and ready for a restful sleep—signals a balanced and fulfilling day. But if I’m anxious about tomorrow, struggling to relax, or overwhelmed, it often means I’ve pushed myself too hard, taken on too much, or set unrealistic expectations.

The way you feel at the end of the day doesn’t always indicate changes needed in your external life. Sometimes, it’s a reminder to adjust your internal environment: your mindset, self-expectations, and how you care for yourself.

For the next week, take a moment each night to ask yourself, How do I feel? Listen closely to what your body, mind, and heart are telling you, and lean into their needs. This simple practice can help you align more closely with what you need to feel balanced and fulfilled.

4. Where Do You Spend Your Time?

Time is one of our most valuable resources—it’s something we can never get back. Simplifying my life helped me reclaim time for myself and my priorities, and it’s been one of the most rewarding changes I’ve made. By letting go of activities and commitments that no longer served me, I created space for what truly matters.

Over the next day or week, consider keeping a simple record of where you spend your time. Whether at work, with your kids, doing housework, shopping, watching TV, or scrolling through social media, there’s no judgment here—just observation. This little exercise can help you see where your time is going and whether any adjustments might make you feel more aligned with your priorities.

For example:

  • Could you swap some housework for reading by decluttering and reducing what needs cleaning and organizing?
  • Replace social media scrolling with a phone call to a friend for a real connection and a laugh.
  • Trade the stress of last-minute dinner planning for the joy of cooking a favorite meal with ingredients you thoughtfully prepared earlier in the week.

Small changes in how you spend your time can significantly impact your overall well-being and how aligned you feel with your values. Give it a try and see where it leads you!

Creating Space for What’s Important

A simpler life looks different for everyone, but at its core, it’s about making space for what truly matters by letting go of what doesn’t. This might mean clearing the physical clutter from your home, releasing habits that no longer support you, stepping away from friendships that don’t align with your values, or learning to say no to things out of fear or discomfort.

Simplicity isn’t just about having less—it’s a mindset. It’s about intentional living and making room for the people, activities, and experiences that bring you joy and fulfillment.

To simplify your life, you’ll need to reflect on what truly makes you happy, where your priorities lie, how you feel about your daily life, and how you spend your time. Stripping the unnecessary isn’t just decluttering—it’s an act of clarity and self-discovery.

You could ask yourself countless questions on this journey, but I hope the ones we’ve explored spark meaningful reflection. Take your time to consider your answers. There’s no need to rush into making changes—enjoy the process.

Remember, progress happens through small, steady steps. Checking in with yourself and asking thoughtful questions is a powerful way to begin. It’s not about perfection but about starting where you are and moving toward what feels right for you.