Ohh the Power of Trusting the Process

As humans, it’s normal to try to control everything. We generally want to be in control and are wary of surprises. We love patterns and routines, and we panic or get distressed every time something goes awry. It’s crazy how we love to be in control and forget the power of trusting the process. And this, I think, has happened more thanks to corporate culture. Uncertainty has become our biggest enemy when it’s the biggest boon to mankind.


Not knowing what will happen next gives you the power and satisfaction of relying on the present moment and living and relishing it thoroughly. Imagine if you don’t have to worry about the impending meetings, the excessive workload, the need to impress your boss, your child’s future, or your own future. Can you imagine the load lifted from your head and the lightness you will feel?


How difficult has it become to live in the moment? We continuously struggle to improve our future without focusing on the present. What happens tomorrow is primarily not in our hands, and what we can do to improve our future depends on taking the right actions today. So, the focus should be on today, on doing your best, and then just leaving it to the universe because mostly the universe will reward your efforts.


When we dwell on the future, we deprive our present of our attention and imagine the best or worst of our future, which may or may not be true. But it is easier said than done; I get that. From childhood, we have trained our minds to multitask, overthink, and imagine the worst. But we have never trained them to stay in the moment.


So, if you take the simple words, ‘trust the process,’ you get the idea that no matter what comes along, the process will teach you what you need to learn if you are willing to listen, pause, and believe something good will come out of the chaos.


Trusting the process means allowing life to be what it is without maneuvering, manipulating, or controlling thoughts, behaviors, actions, attitudes, words, or feelings (using anger or sadness to get what you want).

So, what can you do to start?


Focus On What You Can Control: Most things in life, as you realize a little later, are out of your control. And still, you try to control everything for most of your life. Think about it, did it help? You felt anxious when you thought things were not in control when you wanted to have everything in control. Weren’t you always on edge? So, isn’t it easy to focus only on things that perhaps you can control?


Embrace A Growth Mindset: Turn every ‘OOPS’ moment into an ‘Ah’ moment, finding silver linings in unexpected settings. Find a lesson in each failure; failures sure can sting, but some, instead of having them drag you down, let it be a Push for you to dig deep, trust the process, unearth the lesson, and use it as fuel for your next adventure.


Practice A Non-Zero Day: Know that there always will be ‘down days’ when you feel demotivated and want to give up. However, it is important to take at least one purposeful step toward your goal daily, no matter how small; the smallest step can go a long way. Whether journalling, squeezing in a short workout, or reading just one page of a book, it’s all about progress. Keep the momentum; sometimes, a small act can spark a chain reaction. Consistency wins!


Keep A Gratitude Journal: This one is new to me, too. I can’t begin to explain how profoundly it impacts us. We often forget to be thankful for all we have done and achieved, as it happens in the hustle of life. Just sitting down and writing down things you are thankful for, you will amazed to see how much you already have and have achieved. It’s the simplest way to make you feel good about yourself and motivate you; it’s better than any drug.


Stay Connected With Your Purpose: Remember WHY you started something, and remind yourself of the purpose frequently so you don’t go off-track. Revisiting the core reasons behind our aspirations can make all the difference. Imagine the bigger picture and take you beyond the transient changes of the moment. Connection to your foundational intent not only reignites passion but also constantly reminds us of our endeavors’ profound impact and potential.


A simple truth lies at the heart of personal growth: Trust the process. Embrace the journey with all its twists and turns. As you traverse this beautiful path called life, remember that each step, no matter how insignificant, is a step toward happiness and growth. Here’s to trusting, growing, evolving, and believing good things will happen.

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