The other day, a thought struck me: What if Plan A, which I’ve been pouring my heart and soul into, doesn’t work out? Do I have a Plan B? In my mind, the answer was yes — because we’ve always been taught that having a backup plan is the wise thing to do. It’s the safety net that catches us when things don’t go as we’d hoped. And yet, as this realisation settled in, I felt a shiver of fear — the kind that comes when you face the possibility that your dreams might not unfold the way you imagined.
But then another thought emerged: isn’t the very concept of a Plan B contradictory to the practice of manifestation? When we manifest, we’re told to focus all our energy and intention on one clear vision, to trust the universe with unwavering faith. By having a Plan B, aren’t we sowing seeds of doubt? In trying to prepare for every possible outcome, are we unintentionally stepping away from trust and single-minded focus?
This left me confused. Without a Plan B, are we overestimating our abilities? But with one, are we doubting the universe’s power? So what’s the right approach?
For the longest time, I believed having a Plan B was the smart thing to do. It gave me a sense of security — if Plan A didn’t work, I’d be ready with an alternative. But then I realised something important: every time I had a backup plan, my dedication to Plan A was fragmented. My focus wavered. When setbacks arose — and they always do — it became too easy to fall back on Plan B. I grew complacent and less driven.
So how do we strike the right balance? How do we stay focused on Plan A without eliminating the idea of a Plan B? Here’s what I’ve learned:
Get Crystal Clear on Why Plan A Matters: The reason you chose Plan A is because it means something deeply important to you. It’s the vision that excites and fulfills you. You know in your heart that achieving it will bring you joy and contentment. So remind yourself why Plan A is your top priority.
Create a Motivation List: Write down the positive impact achieving Plan A will have on your life — and the negative impact if you don’t. Let this list be your driving force. Read it first thing in the morning and last thing at night. When you breathe, eat, and live your vision, you set yourself up for success.
Take Consistent Action: A vision without action is just a dream. Break your goal down into small, achievable steps. Hold yourself accountable. I keep a sticky note on my laptop that reads, “Am I doing my best at this very moment?” It’s the nudge I need when I feel lazy or uninspired.
Stay Patient and Resilient: Success doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time, effort, and failure. When results don’t come right away, it’s natural to feel disheartened. When that happens, step back and recharge. Read, take long walks, run — do whatever re-energizes you. Then come back stronger.
Stop Comparing: It’s easy to look at others’ success and feel overwhelmed or jealous. But remember, you don’t know their full journey — the struggles they endured to get there. Focus on your path. Let others’ achievements inspire you, not discourage you.
Celebrate Wins and Heal from Failures: Your journey won’t be a straight line. There will be highs and lows. Celebrate your wins, no matter how small. And when failures happen — because they will — take the time to heal. You can’t always prepare for setbacks, but you can control how you respond to them.
Redefine Plan B: Instead of seeing Plan B as a fallback or safety net, think of it as Phase B — something you’ll pursue once Plan A is complete. This shift in perspective keeps Plan B from distracting you and allows you to focus all your energy on Plan A. It doesn’t eliminate Plan B — it simply puts it on hold until the right time.
When you truly commit, you eliminate every other option. It’s the most effective way to silence those nagging doubts — the whispers of self-worth or fear of failure. With commitment, procrastination loses its grip. You set your intention and take decisive action. You create accountability. You go all in.
You simply KNOW it’s going to happen — no matter what.
And that, my friend, is how dreams become reality.
So what will you commit to this week?
What action will you take to show your commitment? Share it in the comments below — you’ll send a powerful message to the universe that you’re ready and serious.
And then? Stay open to the unexpected ways support and opportunities will show up to help you make it happen.
Know someone who needs this reminder? Pass this message along — it might be just what they need today.