How You Talk to Yourself Matters

Words hold immense power. In this article, we delve into the significance of positive self-talk and why kind words are vital for our loved ones and equally essential for ourselves.


This week, I lost my temper and shouted at my kid—and she shouted back. It’s not something I’m proud of. In hindsight, I wish I had found a healthier way to express my frustrations and communicate my feelings. But in that moment, I let exhaustion and anger take over, and I reacted by shouting.

My kid shouted back, and honestly, I can’t blame her. She was only mirroring my behavior, giving as good as they got.

It wasn’t my finest parenting moment, but it happened. We apologized, talked it through, and made things right. Still, the whole episode left me reflecting.

First, I realized that I tend to shout when I’m tired and irritable—a clear reminder to pause and think before I react. Shouting solves nothing; it only leaves us all upset. I don’t want my child to grow up hearing me yell. She deserves better parenting. While I know I’m not perfect (and that’s okay), I want to be a calm and gentle parent, though firm and tough when necessary. Shouting, I decided, isn’t the solution.

That reflection led me to another thought: if I love my kid enough to want to change how I treat her, why don’t I consistently extend the same care to myself? Of course, my love for my kid is boundless, but I also love myself—or at least I should.

So, why don’t I choose the words I use with myself as thoughtfully as I try to choose the words I say to my child and loved ones?

In this article, I invite you (and me) to be more mindful and intentional in how we speak to ourselves. Positive self-talk can lead to positive action and meaningful change—the foundation of a simple, intentional life.


What kind of words do you use to describe your thoughts? Are they uplifting and empowering, or do they lean toward being critical and harmful? Do they inspire, encourage, and motivate, or wound, punish, and discourage?

The words we choose have immense power. They can shape not just how we feel but also how we respond to the world around us.


In a demanding world that constantly urges us to be, do, and achieve “all the things,” positive self-talk becomes an essential tool for navigating life’s challenges. Here’s why:

1. It Enhances Impact and Reception

Choosing your words with intention can significantly influence how they’re received and the outcome they produce. Thoughtful, deliberate words carry more weight than a careless string of phrases. Whether directed at yourself or others, speaking kindly and yields better results. For example, you’re far more likely to accomplish a task if you ask gently rather than bark orders at yourself. The energy behind your words shapes the outcome.

2. It Allows for Forgiveness and Human Error

We’re only human—mistakes are inevitable, especially in a world that demands so much from us.

Instead of berating yourself for getting something wrong, practice self-compassion. Think of how kindly you’d treat someone else in the same situation. Forgive yourself, learn from the experience, and move forward. Ask yourself: Does this mistake truly matter in the long run? Talking to yourself with kindness and encouragement can foster growth and better outcomes next time.

3. It’s Key to Self-Love and Self-Compassion

We often choose kind words for others because we care about their feelings and want to avoid causing harm. But what about ourselves?

Self-love requires the same effort and care. You’re not a machine or invincible; you’re a complex, emotional being who also needs kindness. By practicing positive self-talk, you safeguard your mental health, build resilience, and replenish the love you need to give to others and tackle life’s demands.

4. It Cultivates Positive Thinking

Life can be tough and full of obstacles. Positive thinking helps us navigate challenges, stay optimistic, and find joy in the present while looking forward to the future. However maintaining a positive mindset is difficult if your internal dialogue is clouded by negativity. Positive self-talk lays the foundation for uplifting thoughts and a healthier perspective.

5. It Sets a Good Example

The way we speak—especially around children—shapes how others perceive themselves and the world. Negative, critical language can set a damaging precedent, while supportive and constructive words inspire growth and confidence.

Modeling kind, encouraging language for ourselves and others creates an environment of positivity and empowerment. Your words matter not only to you but to those who look up to you.

6. It Inspires Positive Action

Negative self-talk can spiral into a reality filled with self-doubt and limitations. Positive, empowering words, on the other hand, fuel intentional, meaningful actions. They shape the focused, joyful, and fulfilling life that many of us strive for.


Cultivating positive self-talk takes practice, especially if you’re accustomed to being hard on yourself. Here are some simple strategies to get started:

1. Count to Ten

Pause. Take a deep breath, count to ten, and consider your words carefully. Reflect on what you’re about to say and how you’ll say it, ensuring your tone is calm and constructive.

2. Practice in the Mirror

Rehearse speaking to yourself as though you were talking to a dear friend. Imagine what they might say in response. This technique can help you reframe negative thoughts into encouraging, supportive ones.

3. Use Affirmations

If positive self-talk feels unnatural at first, daily affirmations can help rewire your mindset. Repeating uplifting phrases builds a habit of believing in yourself, shifting your perspective, and aligning your thoughts with your goals and dreams.

4. Walk Away and Revisit Later

Avoid reacting impulsively in moments of frustration or stress. Take a step back, get some fresh air, and return to the situation when you feel calmer and more centered.

5. Identify the Root Cause

Ask yourself: What’s truly bothering me? Is it anger, frustration, stress, or something deeper? Understanding the source of your emotions helps you address them constructively, making it easier to choose kind words for yourself.

6. Focus on Gratitude

Shift your focus to what’s going well in your life. Gratitude fosters a positive outlook, helping you appreciate the good rather than fixating on the bad.

7. Develop Positive Thinking Habits

Incorporate small, daily practices that promote positivity. Whether it’s journaling, meditating, or celebrating small wins, these habits can gently guide you toward a more optimistic and empowering mindset.


Do you practice positive self-talk? What strategies help you be kind to yourself? Or do you struggle with being overly critical or harsh? I’d love to hear your experiences—feel free to share in the comments below!